代写英语作文:Keep doing three “good” and Life will be blessed

daixie 1041 0

Auspicious people say good things, look at good things and do good deeds. One day there are three good things, and in three years, heaven will bring blessings.

"Say good things" requires us to say words of encouragement, encouragement and gentleness. For example, the child's test results are not ideal this year, and the child is not happy if he fails the test. If he is a parent who can educate his children, he will not blame the child, but use encouragement and encouragement to build up the confidence of the child. Smart children are exaggerating, so that the child will become more and more intelligent Ming. In fact, many successful people grow up in the praise of their parents, relatives and friends. In this positive language, people's Yang will continue to rise, and their body and mind will get balanced development. The ancients said, "a good word is three warm in winter", which is the truth that the language is good at rising the sun.

"Look at good things" is to let the eyes often see the beautiful things. Beautiful mountains and rivers are the great beauty between heaven and earth, so people who have lived in the world for a long time should often go out to have a look, so as to raise their eyes and adjust their hearts. The process of getting close to nature is also the process of exchanging energy with heaven and earth, and Promoting Yang Qi. When it comes to seeing good, a German scientist has done an experiment. The result shows that if a man looks at a beautiful woman for five minutes a day, he can prolong his life span by 10 years, and a woman can also prolong his life by looking at a handsome man. So, when you go shopping, look at the beautiful women and handsome men in the past and raise your eyes. I think this is also a kind of kindness. The eyes are the window of the soul. What the eyes see will also affect the mind. Don't always see the dark side of society and life in life, but look at the sunny and positive side of everything. In this way, we can see good everywhere without deliberate pursuit.

"Do good deeds", as the saying goes, "good is rewarded.". To do good, of course, means to do good things everywhere. To do good things, one should be willing and not ask for return. Persisting in doing it all one's life can not only sublime one's Yang Qi and prolong one's life, but also accumulate virtue for oneself, his family and future generations. It is not necessary to use money to do good deeds. If a person can persuade others to change their ways, enlighten others' wisdom or conscience (for example, posting good articles on the Internet), serve as a volunteer, take care of the sick and the elderly, encourage and comfort others, build bridges and roads, maintain environmental protection, and even always have compassion and smile to show filial piety to their parents and treat all living beings (including people and animals), all of which are more than simple donation Merit and virtue.

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